Friday 26 July 2013



This old belt of mine
My father gave me
The day before I left
On this journey
That started so long ago

It’s been everywhere
At drunken steps
In subway stops
smelling the stench of
Kimchi garlic
On elbow filled bus rides
And Touched the salt
The Sea of Japan

Been rain soaked
Outside in
Balinese Back alleyways
And heard the dogs barking
At 3 in the morning
Wrapped around me
Fallen into the sea
And binded bags
On backwood hitchhikes
Through the Croatian minefields
On low, flat bikerides
In the lush green german
Summer mountains
Crag hoppin’
Above the boots
In the swamp of the chilly
English wilderness
And all this time
Could never keep my pants up… (to be continued)
                                    - Low Rider

On the bus, in the city

I feel so peaceful
Sitting on the bus
Way up high
Double decker
In the sky
Watching the city
Just go by
My head is numb
My body’s warm
And I am enveloped
By the madness of this city

Runners World

Breaking for a moment
In the woods


There’s nothing
like the excitement
of a new pair of running shoes
feeling the freedom
to fly and tumble
through the forest
hopping roots to rocks
or straight away gazelle gliding
down a hot baked country road
sailing past dry wheat fields,
buggy mud bogs,
and ocean blue skies
while every bone, joint and muscle
rotate and push
up and down the hills
like a locomotive.

Enough for now
The mosquitos have found me
Got to run…